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What is STEAM?


Did you know that today’s Americans will have an average of 3-7 careers in their lifetime? (Department of Labor)

Did you know that 65% of today’s students will work at a job that does not yet exist? (Success Performance Solutions)

Did you know that the labor industry seeks new hires to possess the ability to collaborate, critically problem-solve, as well as the ability to unlearn and re-learn the latest technologies and practices of the companies? (Forbes)

Did you know that top colleges and universities seek to identify students who will be the best educators of one another and their professors? (Harvard University)

If our students’ future successes are dependent on these projected realities, then it is a school’s job to prepare the principled-yet-flexible learners who will thrive, and shape, this future world. And with you as our partners, Rio del Sol STEAM School has taken up this challenge.

Rio del Sol a School for Today

Today, we are living in a new era with a ‘new normal’ of uncertainty regarding our climate, economic growth, and, human rights. On both local and global stages, communities are now looking to their educational institutions to innovate in order to prepare intellectually, socially, and, emotionally competent citizens. Yet, for over a century and a half, schools have largely remained unchanged from their origins in 19th century factory models—where the school was once defined by bounded walls, and the students consumed facts and figures preparing to enter a once stable workforce.

Today, our society is asking how schools can become engaging and innovating learning spaces where students, families and the larger communities collaboratively embark on becoming problem-solvers and problem-seekers. And you need not look far, for Rio del Sol STEAM School is already here!

What is STEAM?

Across the country, a trend in innovative schools’ offerings have remained tightly coupled with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math—the STEM subjects. While these 4 disciplines are important, they are not enough. The disciplines of Art & Design, from the humanities and social sciences, paired with STEM approaches ensure the development of learners who are creatively confident problem-solvers and problem-seekers. That is why we saw the need to add Art + Design to the equation — to transform STEM into STEAM.

When you enter a Rio del Sol learning studio, it should not be readily obvious what all students are learning; but what should be obvious is that students are engaged in challenging diverse and complementary inquiry projects, and have the ability to tell you exactly what they’re trying to solve in the moment and why it matters. Our students, educators and partners will embrace the diverse STEAM disciplines in a philosophy we have developed called Trans-Disciplinary ResponsiveDesign, or transD-RD, whereby teachers expertly co-engage and co-construct with their students learner- and community-centered inquiry projects driven by overarching questions.